Pig Card Game

Card Game for Kids

Pig card game is a real winner! Silliness all over, even the youngest child will enjoy this silly card game, but be quick and pay attention before you receive the letters P-I-G.

Pig card game for kids

Number of Players: 3 to 13

Age Range: 5 years and older

Materials: one standard deck of cards

How to Play:

    • Begin by pulling out four cards of the same value for each player. So if you have three players, you can pull out the four sevens, jacks and aces and put the rest aside. Shuffle the cards very good and deal them so all the children have four cards. The children should keep the cards hidden from the others.


    • The goal of the game is to get all four matching cards with the same value.


    • The kids sort their cards and decide which kind they are going to collect. Then everybody at the same time discards a card by putting it on the table, face down, and pass it to the next player on the left. The players pick up their new card and see if they have four of a kind.


    • If one player has four of a kind, he quickly puts a finger on his nose. When the other players notice that one has put his finger on his nose, they have to do the same as quickly as possible. The one who is last to put his finger on his nose gets a letter. First P, second time I, third time G.


    • If none of the players has four of a kind, then a new card is chosen to be discarded and is put on the table face down. All the players move these cards at the same time to the neighbor on the left, who picks up the card and start looking for a four of a kind. The game continues like this.


  • The first player who receives the three letters PIG is the loser of the card game. For a longer game you can do the same with the letters DONKEY.


Go to the next game: CONCENTRATION

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