Concentration Card Game

Card Game for Kids

Concentration card game or Memory is a great game for kids to improve matching skills, concentration and memory skills. This game is easy to adapt to different ages and abilities of the children.

Concentration card game

Number of Players: 2 or more

Age Range: 4 years and older

Materials: one standard deck of cards

How to Play:

    • This is like the regular memory game, but then with a standard deck of cards. You take out pairs of cards, shuffle them and put them face down on the table. The number of pairs you take out depends on the age and abilities of the children. The best way to put the cards is in rows and lines, so it is easier to remember where cards are placed.


    • The goal of this memory card game is to find the most pairs of matching cards.


    • The players take turns and every turn one player turns over 2 cards. The other players also get a chance to see the turned over cards. If the two cards match (for example, two queens) then the player picks up the matching cards and has another turn. If the cards don’t match, he returns them face down and the next player goes.


    • In this game it’s important and a very good practice to memorize the position and the value of the turned cards.


    • When all the pairs are found, the players count their pairs. The one with the most pairs is the winner of the game.



Go to the next game: WAR

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