Educational Gift Ideas

Gift Ideas for Smart Kids


Educational gift ideas  is a pretty unknown area for most people. That’s why we would love to give you some examples so you can get an idea what’s for sale on the market that is really outstanding from the crowd.

I personally love to give these kind of toys / games for birthday parties. Most kids don’t have them and they are really challenging and exciting. Not to mention “educational”. All the products I recommend here are tested and played with by myself and my family.

Very often when we have kids over, they start playing with these products right away. It’s amazing how much attention span and focus the kids have for products like these. Educational gifts are really great to give and super to receive!

The kids will be intrigued by the product and start playing, not knowing that they learn to master problem solving skills.


The best smart games for kids

Rush Hour

One of our kids favorite. Get your car out of the traffic jam. A simple slide puzzle, but really addicting.  4 levels of play, so challenging for everyone. (6 years and up)

Find Thinkfun Rush Hour on Amazon.



 Camelot Jr.

A cute problem solving game that looks really easy, but watch out…it gets tricky. Beautiful quality from the European SmartGames.

Both of my kids have done almost all of the challenges. FUN

(3 years and up)

Find Smartgames Camelot Jr on Amazon.




Perplexus Maze Game

A big hit and a real challenge for young and old. This is like a marble run in a sphere. See if you can make it all the way to 100 (I still cannot 🙁 ) Best for 6 years and up.

Find the PlaSmart Perplexus Maze Game on Amazon.




IQ Twist

A brain breaker…..

Whole family fun addictive puzzle in a small format. Easy to take on the go.

Solve the challenges, start with easy and junior and work yourself up to master. But it is really tough.

Find SmartGames IQ Twist on Amazon.




Smart games will help develop the brain with thinking and problem solving skills, but above all they are fun to play! Great little and original gifts for kids. I really hope you liked my educational gift ideas and you will provide your children and their friends with toys that make their brains  “grow”.

More ideas are here:

We  adventured into creative gifts for kids.

Kids who love to color, cut and glue or just work with their hands….a must see: Creative gifts for kids. Perfect gifts for any occasion.

See you there!

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