Best Tablet for Kids – LEAPFROG



A lot of people have been thinking about tablets for kids, because they have nice features and educational apps. But they are doubting because the real tablet PC’s are expensive, too advanced, not a toy for small children and you have to be able to set up a parental control. But there are nice and smart alternatives that  offer educational tablets that combine learn and play in an safe environment enhanced with easy to use parental settings.


Tablet PC’s have a very long battery life and are very portable. These devices are excellent to take anywhere and a great boredom buster for you and your children. You can load your device with the top apps games you like, just by easy downloading from the App store. There are a lot of educational apps developed and there are a lot of games very suitable for kids to enjoy themselves on the go. All these games can be downloaded (a lot of them for free, others for only a few bucks) to the tablet PC or mobile phone with touch screen.
Besides playing games you can use your Tablet PC as a music station, email and internet connection, e-reader, dvd player and much more… There are all kind of apps developed, from news, weather, entertainment, cooking, navigation, education, books, games and much, much more!

However; if you have younger children and the iPad or other Tablet PC is too delicate for them you can take a look at our selection of tablets for kids. These kid friendly tablets are made especially for kids, with learning in mind. So the parents can relax when the kids are having fun and learning at the same time.

LeapFrog Epic Academy Edition

A great educational and fun product: The Leapfrog EPIC, learning tablet PC for kids!
This tablet is an absolute winner! WIFI enabled, download specific, educational Leapfrog Games and have your child enter the safe browser.
There is no better way to get your child ready for the real thing and this is 100 times better than handing over your iPhone all to the time to discover that your child accidentally opened up YouTube to see the wrong things..

Leapfrog EPIC kids tablet

The apps are all developed with learning in mind and the pad is easy to use and has a bright big screen. There are apps that teach reading, spelling, geography, music, counting and there are also apps for making creative things like photo albums, videos, a book about me, your own pet and many more (and many more to come, since this is a great hit!).

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