Geography for Kids

A Fun Way to Learn Geography with Little Passwords Geography Mailing Packages:

Follow the world travels of Sam and Sofia!

Geography boring? No way to get the kids interested about the world around them?

Make geography for kids fun and interesting with this innovative creation !
It is called Little Passports and this is an AWARD WINNING product. It already won the iParenting Media Award and the Parents Choice Recommended prize.

Little Passport Geography Fun For Kids Facts:

Little Passports Geography mailing packages

  • Fun gift for ages 3 – 12 years
  • Great value starting at only $17.80/month


Explore Little Passports

Your kids will follow the adventures of the two new friends Sam and Sofia who travel the world on their magic scooter and send your child every month a real postcard and information package about the country they visit. In the package your child will find an adventure letter, activities, photos and a souvenir. All of this will show and tell interesting things about the country Sam and Sofia are visiting that month. That’s learning geography in an educational and fun way !

You child will be waiting for the next surprise at your mailbox!

Little Passports Little Passports


From the developers of Little Passports:

We are a San Francisco-based company founded by two moms wanting to design an inspiring and fun way for kids to learn about other countries.

We each have young children and hope they’ll take an active interest in the world beyond the U.S. borders starting at a young age. We plan on encouraging them to do so by providing them with opportunities and experiences that inspire the imagination. As we thought about how to do this, we remembered the anticipation and excitement we felt when we received mail as kids. We decided to incorporate this element of surprise and joy with the online games kids love today. We blended these two concepts and developed the idea of monthly travel packages, including letters, souvenirs, activities and online games.

More I should know?

Little Passports, will bring your child games that engage, entertain, and introduce the children to new ideas. Through the power of storytelling and interactive activities, Little Passports invites children to explore the amazing world around them.

Little Passports is a subscription service bringing the world to your door! The characters, Sam and Sofia, visit a new country every month on their GPS-enabled scooter and share their adventures with your child. Each month, they send your child a package via postal mail, including an adventure letter, an activity sheet, stickers, photos, and a unique country souvenir. Each package also provides your child with a “secret code” to our online Boarding Zone full of games and activities.

Our goal at Little Passports is to create a generation of global citizens. It’s enrichment that’s entertaining! It’s the world at your door!


Watch Little Passports featured on KTLA Morning News:

Check it out here: Little Passports Geography for 3 to 5 Years:

Check it out here: Little Passports Geography for 6 to 10 Years:

OR the NEW Little Passports: SCIENCE EXPEDITIONS! For the little scientist in your house…

The perfect gift for any child who wants to learn about the world around them!

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