Race Games

tag games for kids

Best Race Games for your Children


There are all sorts of race games for children. Most of the games are
hilarious to run and exciting to win. Many of these games make great
party games, but they are always fun to play. The kids will enjoy doing
these race and relay games outdoors, being physically active and have
fun with their friends.



A team building game that
requires cooperation. The players form teams of two people. The inside
legs of each team are tied together with a scarf and using the “three”
legs, the team tries to finish the distance to the turning point and
back as quick as possible.

Make sure to play this game on a soft
surface, because it’s quite a challenge, especially if it is a race too.
But it’s an hilarious and fun race game.


The all famous obstacle course is a fun, hilarious and active race game
to play and every time you play it, it will be different. The game
requires imagination to set up the course. You can use all kinds of
things like: lawn furniture, hose or rope, hula hoops, swing sets,
cardboard boxes and so on.
You can even use the sprinkler, to make it a water fun entertainment.
Let the children climb over, slithering under, walk, hop and jump over
the obstacles. To make it more difficult you can give the children
something to carry while doing the obstacle course like a big hat, a
water balloon, a ball or a ping pong ball on a paper plate. Another
option to make the obstacle course hilarious is to involve silly rules
like making animal sounds, hop on one foot or singing a song at a
specified point. Again use your imagination and have fun. Kids love this
and will be entertained and active!

race games for children


A fun variation of the classic relay. Suitable for children 3 to 6
years. Make a game field with a starting line and a turning point.

The turning point is an object where the children have to hop around to
return to the starting line, like a bucket or chair. The children make
groups of 4 or 5 players and line up at the starting line. In this game
the children
have to hop with two feet at the same time (like a bunny). When the
game starts, the first one in the group start hopping to the turning
point, goes around it and hops back as fast as he or she can. When he or
she passes the starting line, the number two starts hopping and so on.
The team who finishes first is the winner.


This is another variation of the classic relay game. It’s the same
principle as the above mentioned game but instead of hopping the children
walk on their hands and feet with their faces and belly to the air and
their back faces the ground.
This is called the “crab walk”. Then the players walk the distance to
the turning point and back and the next one in their team does the same
and so on. The quickest team is the winner.
To get in the crab position: lay down on your back en get yourself up on
your hands and feet. It’s fun and challenging!

Sack race is the old fashioned picnic race. It’s hilarious and fun to do
and to see. A lot of children doing the sack race will fall and tumble
which is amusing to see, but make sure to play this on sand or grass.

The best sacks are Burlap sacks or you can use old pillowcases for each player.sack race games for kids

This game can be played as a race; have the children
compete racing a certain distance. Or it can be played as a relay. In
this case you make teams and every team has one bag. The first player
goes in the sack and goes from starting line till turning point and
back. Then the next child in the team goes. The first team to have all
its racers complete the course is the winner.



This race game or relay is played in pairs. The children stand
back to back and hook their elbows. Now they have to run in whatever
fashion they find quickest and most efficient. Mostly one child runs
backwards and the other forward or both sideways. To race this game, the
different teams have to complete a distance from start to finish. And
to make it a relay the different teams consists of several pairs who run
one pair at a time from start to turning point and back and then the
next pair in the team goes. This race game is suitable from 5 years and


An hilarious and famous party game! (and a bit messy, so play it
outdoors). In this relay game all the players divide into teams and
every team gets a spoon with an egg on it. Now the children need to
complete the distance till turning point and back without dropping the
egg and then give the spoon to the next player in the team. If the egg
drops, that player of the team has to start again at the starting line.
The first team to have all its players complete the course is the
If you want to change this in a less messy game you can use potatoes
instead of eggs. A balance relay game for 7 years and up.


This relay game is played in pairs. Every pair stands face to face with
each other and try to pinch an orange between their foreheads without
using their hands. Now every pair has to complete the course without
dropping the orange and it’s not allowed to use hands to hold it in
place. Can be played as relay with multiple teams consisting of multiple
pairs or as a race.
A fun balancing race game.

Best Children’s Games Guide and Fun on the Go

Enjoyed these games?

Get MORE with the Best Children’s Games Guide !
This book contains 99 of our best indoor, outdoor,
card and dice games!!
And we added 30 travel activities to this guide. That’s our whole Fun on the Go book!


Best Children’s Games Guide and Fun on the Go

Enjoyed Race Games?

See also our other outdoor games:

Ball Games || Playground Games || Water Games || Tag and Chase Games || Sidewalk Games || Hide-and-Seek Games ||

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