Preschool Board Games

Best Preschool Board games for your Children

Board games can be played as young as the age of 3 and up. The preschool board games are especially designed for children who are not yet able to read. It is though a very good opportunity to learn them to count, sort and get them used to follow rules and take turns. There is very much educational value in a lot of preschool board games, while they are fun to play.

Another very important fact is the development of social skills. The children mostly play these games with other children or parents and that adds to cooperative play and patience in taking turns.
The value of playing games is underestimated, but it gives lessons very useful for the real life later on.

Below follows a list of children board games arranged by educational
value. But most important: all preschool board games are fun to play;
otherwise they are not listed here.

Preschool board games that stimulates Number Recognition and Counting


preschool board games, Chutes and Ladders


Who is the first at the top? Spin the arrow and count the steps on the board.
Find yourself on top of a chute? bad luck, you slide down.
Find yourself at the bottom of a ladder? Good luck, climb up.
Easy and entertaining game for children. A classic game.


preschool board games, Hi HO Cherry-o


Be the first one to collect 10 cherries in your basket. Spin the arrow and see how many cherries you may pick from your tree or….got eaten by the bird or dog. A great game for learning to count, and also very good for developing fine motor skills (the pincer grip) by picking up those small cherries. An easy and fun game to play for your preschooler.


preschool board games, The Ladybug Game


This is a very cute game that teaches a lot of things like counting, colors, some words and symbols. An easy and very fun game to play for preschool children.


Preschool board games, Trouble


It’s the classic race-and-chase game with the PopoMatic die-rolling bubble. This means the dice is in an enclosed bubble which you press to make it roll. This way the dice cannot get lost or swallowed by small children. It’s safe and effective. The children will learn to count and move their peg the determined spaces by rolls of the dice. Also this game stimulates patience, taking turns and the excitement of winning and the inevitable defeats.

Preschool board games that stimulates Fine Motor Skills


preschool board games HI HO Cherry-O


Pick up those little cherries and put them in the tree and later into your basket. Who is the first one to get 10 cherries in the basket without having them eaten by the bird or dog or even worse: tipping over your basket.
The little cherries makes this an excellent game for working on the pincer grip, while having fun.


preschool board games, Monkeying Around


Who can put the most monkeys in the tree ? A balancing game which needs careful hands to put the monkeys into the tree without dropping it into the water with crocodiles! Easy, fun and a good fine motor skill practice.


preschool board games, Busy Bug collector magnetic game


Collect the bugs and put them into the jar. A game for practicing fine motor skills and the kids are learning adding and subtraction at the same time.


preschool board games, Bed Bugs


A frantic catch and capture game. The 48 creepy and crawling bugs jump and hop over the bed. Who can catch those bugs using the snatching tongs? Two batteries required to make the bed shake the bugs around. A fun, hectic game and an excellent exercise in fine motor skills especially the pincer grasp by using the tongs.
For the younger children you can let them try to snatch the bugs when the bed is turned off to make it easier.

This children games website is build for you, to make the best choice for your kids need. On this Board Games for kids page you have been able to view the best Preschool Board Games on the market right now.

Check out our other pages about Board Games. You will find Lego games for kids, Children Word Games , I Spy Games for kids and Geography Board Games.

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