

Card Game for Kids

Slapjack is an easy card game to play, but fun and suitable for preschool age kids (4+). Be quick and slap the Jack as soon as you see one!

Card games for kids

Number of Players: 2 to 5

Age Range: 4 years and older

Materials: one standard deck of cards

How to Play:

    • The cards are shuffled and dealt out completely. Some players may receive one card more than others. The players put them in a pile face down. They are not allowed to see the cards.


    • The first player turns over the first card of his pile and puts it face up, in the center of the table.


    • The next players continue to add a face up card to the open pile in the center of the table, until somebody turns up a Jack (Knave).


    • When a Jack is turned up, all the players try to slap the Jack as quickly as they can. The player who is first to put his hand on the Jack wins the face up pile and can add all the cards from the face up pile to his own face down pile.


    • The player on the left continues to make a new face up pile and the game continues.


    • If a player runs out of cards, he has one change to get new cards by slapping the first Jack that shows up. If he isn’t the first to hit the card, he is out of the game.


    • The winner is the first player to collect all the cards.



Go to the next game: FAN TAN

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