High Dice

High Dice Game

The best dice game for kids

High Dice Game is played with two dice against a banker. Also known as Two Dice Klondike or Bingo. A very easy dice game that is perfect to teach kids the value of the dice, improve their math skills and have fun. The game is best played with stakes, to make it more interesting and competitive for the older kids.

Number of Players: 2 or more

Age Range: 5 years and older

Materials: 2 dice, pen and paper to keep score or stakes

How to Play:

    • Goal of the game is to get a higher total on a throw of the dice than the banker.


    • The banker throws the two dice first. He then adds the total of the two dice together and that is his score.


    • The next players each throw the dice and see who throws higher than the banker. Each player that throws higher than the banker receives a stake or point.


    • If the score is equal of the score of the banker, the banker wins the round.


    • If none of the players throws higher than the banker, the banker gets one point.


    • The player who reaches 10 points first is the winner.



This game is sometimes played with more dice.

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