Problem Solving Games

problem solving games

The Best Problem Solving Games for your Children

In this section you will find all kinds of Problem Solving Games that can be played by children of 6 (sometimes 8) years and older. All these games are challenging for the brain, fun and educational to play.

Just by reading about them you get enthusiast about these fun kids games and you will be surprised how many different games are on the market. And you know what the best part is? Most of these games are entertaining for adults too, so the whole family can join and have fun!


problem solving games, Qwirkle Cubes
This is a game for 6 years and older. It is a matching and sorting game with wooden cubes. You have to place them like scrabble and you can roll the dice to find a better combination. It is an easy game to learn, fun to play and it need brain work to win! A game the whole family can enjoy.


probelm solving games, Blokus Classics game
This game won a lot of awards! It’s a strategy game for the whole family (from 5 years and up). Try to put all your squares on the board while blocking your opponents. A strategic game that improves spatial perception and logic thinking.


problem solving games, Square up
Square up is a game for two and suitable for 6 years and older.
The players shake the cube to find the challenge and then slide their tiles to match it. Try to be the first to match the challenge. A fun and fast game that stimulates visual thinking.


problem solving games, Knot so Fast
This game is suitable for kids 8 years and older. It’s a knot tying race game. This game has 40 challenge cards and the players try to be the first one to knot the challenge. This game stimulates spatial thinking and hand-eye-coordination.

This learning games for kids website is build for you, to make the best choice for your children’s need. On this page you have been able to view the best selections of problem solving games for kids on the market right now.

Looking for other educational and fun kids games?
Click on Learning Games at the left top of this website and you will find Math games, Word games, Logic games, Concentration games and Educational computer games!
Or click the link here.

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