Geography Board Games

Best Geography Board Games for Kids

It’s right there on the map! Playing Geographical Board Games is an easy and fun way to stimulate the important geography education of our kids.
Our pitiful knowledge of geography has been well documented for the last decade and it’s only going down…

Geography board games
Did you know that:

    • Only 37% of young Americans can find Iraq on a map—though U.S. troops have been there since 2003.
    • Half of young Americans can’t find New York on a map.
    • 20% of young Americans think Sudan is in Asia. (It’s the largest country in Africa.)

from 2006 National Geographic/Roper Survey

So it seems to be very useful to start early with Geography. But like most kids, they are not very interested in it, so it is important to make it fun and entertaining. These Geography Board Games are an excellent solution, the kids will love these games, while learning and improving their geographical knowledge.

Most Geographical Board Games teaches more than just countries and capitals, they are a comprehensive way of learning kids different facts about the world countries, like religion, monetary unit, languages, population and much more.

Check out these geography board games and start learning and having fun with geography at a young age. It will help your children become better citizens who understand their country, the world, different cultures, international connections and they will be prepared to take their place in the global community.

Our Selection of Great Geography Board Games

Continent Race World Map Board Games for Kids 7 and up | Award Winning Educational Geography Card Games for Families

Geography board games Continent Race World Map Board Game


Geography board games Scrambled States

Fantastic game! Great fun in learning states, capitals, US geography and more. Very popular with kids of many ages. Players learn the names, capitals, nicknames, shapes and positions of the states through a myriad of visual teasers, language riddles and geography challenges. The fun definitely overrides the “drag” of studying geography with this game, but the more facts you learn the better chance you have to win, so motivation is high to keep learning! This game has very good reviews for being entertaining, educational and fun. From 8 years and up.


Geography board games Atlas Adventures

Travel the world and discover geography. Be the first player to build your world map and win. In level one ages 7 and up players must spin to collect continent and ocean puzzle pieces and complete their world map. In level two ages 12 and up, older players must answer a trivia question first to collect a piece. Happy or sad faces on the spinner require you to give, take, or trade pieces. By using the different levels, the whole family can play this geography board game together. Educational and fun. 7 years and up.


Geography board games name that country

The fun way to learn world geography! You spin the spinner, read the continent and country, and try to find the country on the map. If you are successful, you get to move the given number of spaces on the spinner. At intervals, there are bonus “post-cards” that you can land on. Read the hints on the postcard, if you can identify the country they’re talking about, you get to move ahead 2 extra spaces. Kids will enjoy playing, while it is educational and fun. It’s also flexible, because once the child knows the countries you can add other facts like capitals.
For 6 years and older.


Geography board games name that state

This colorful geography game teaches all about the USA. First you start off by spinning the spinner and finding the state number that it landed on. To continue with your turn, you must correctly name the capital of that state. If you can’t, your turn ends. If you do get the capital correct you then roll the dice and move the appropriate spaces. If you land on a space where you must draw a card, you must name the state by the hint left on the card. Most of the time it is land marks or tourist spots. This game will make learning the states fun for your child and the whole family.


Geography board games Geobingo

GeoBingo is a new twist on a classic game, and a new way to make geography fun! The goal of GeoBingo is to get 5 countries in a row on one of the 8 GeoBingo boards. Fifty country cards show geographic locations, capitals, land area & population data for the world’s most populous nations. Educational and fun to play with interesting facts about the countries on the cards. For 6 years and up.


Geography board games Great States

This fun and educational challenge is a great learn-as-you-play game of history and geography. Look and find on the colorful map to learn state landmarks, state locations, state capitals, state resources & more! With 400 facts, find, figure and fun questions to answer. The mechanical timer adds the element of suspense. It also teaches compass directions and the concept of distance. The kids don’t even realize they’re learning, but their interest in and knowledge of geography has improved immensely! For 7 years and up.


Geography board games Around the World

Around the World is our award-winning global geography board game that takes players on a travel adventure around the world. This board game is a hands-on tool that provides teaching about the people, places, customs, cultures, geography and languages of the world. Increase vocabulary and literacy skills while encouraging cultural diversity! The first player to travel around the world and fill their Global Scorecard wins! 8 years and up.


Geography board games Geotoys Geodice game

The goal is to name countries and capitals that start with the letters on the five Letter Dice, and that are within the continents on the two Continent Dice. With colorful dice and a two-sided Game Board that doubles as a world map, GeoDice is a interesting introduction to world geography! A fun way to learn geography! Roll into world knowledge with GeoDice, a game that makes geography fun! 8 years and up.


Geography board games Talicor Where in the world

Six games on six levels of play offer players of all ages a complete up-to-date tour of world geography. Learn the names, locations and vital facts of all 196 countries! Players will learn facts about every country in the world including; country name, continent, flag, capital, population, rank in size, literacy rate, monetary unit, languages, religions, imports, exports and seacoasts. This geography board game is a perfect combination of fun and knowledge. For 8 years and up.

Little Passports

Little Passports

Although Little Passports doesn’t fit the description as a board game, we thought to mention it here, because it is a great educational product that brings geography in a fun and exciting way with games and activities.

Read more on our page about Little Passports.

This best children games website is build for you, to make the best choice for your kid’s need. On this Geography Board Games for kids page you have been able to view the best selections of geography board games on the market right now.

Check out our other pages about Board Games. You will find preschool board games, children word games , I Spy Games for kids and Lego Games.

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