Building Games for Kids
So here comes my suggestion for building toys for creative kids:
Mindware Structures
This product is also my best game of the month, because with this everybody can build whatever he or she has in mind. My whole family (including daddy) loves making amazing structures with it.
Read more about it on my page Best Building Toys.

K’Nex Education
This product has bigger, colorful pieces with many possibilities so children 3 years and up can get creative with this.This product comes in a sturdy box to store the pieces and some sheets with ideas.
Find more K’nex Education on Amazon.
Snap Circuits
Although this product is not a free building game like the above, it is an amazing and interesting educational toy a lot of smart kids will love. They can create doorbells, AM radio’s, lie detectors and much more. Sounds, lights, buttons and more…Great for young explorers.
Find Snap Circuits on Amazon!
Mindware marble run
Creativity ten top. Imagine, build and let roll. FUN FUN FUN. Unlimited fun for creative minds. Not for children under 3 years.
Find Mindware Marblerun on Amazon!
Wooden Train Tracks
Buy a whole lot of these, add a few trains and again….hours of fun for years! And yes, they do get creative by combining their cars and the above mentioned Structures with this product.
Combined with Structures they build tunnels, piers, houses and more.
Insider tip: this stuff is expensive, but it lasts forever. Look for a big box of used train tracks and trains on Ebay! This way your child has a whole lot to play with, without you breaking the bank.
Thomas the Train wooden railroad set.
Lego Game: Heroica
Lego has developed several board games the last couple of years and especially in Europe they became a huge success. The fun of these games is that you first have to build the board and after building you can play the games. The games are all very flexible and adjustable to your imagination, because of the construction with the Lego bricks and you are invited to create your own rules and strategies.
Find more about Lego Heroica on the MORE LEGO GAMES page.
Find this one on Amazon.