Dice Math Games

Math Dice games for kids

Dice Math Games

Play these dice games to improve your math skills

On this page you will find the best dice math games for children. Play to improve your math skills and have fun with these dice games for children. You can find the rules here. Thirty-Six and Going to Boston are good dice games for improving addition math skills with the numbers of the dice and the last game is good for multiplying.

Math Dice games for kids

Thirty Six

Number of Players: 2 or more

Age Range: 5 years and older

Materials: 1 die, pen and paper

How to Play:

    • This game is played in 10 rounds and the goal of the game is to get as close as possible to 36, but not to go over it. When you do get over 36 you are out for that round.


    • The first player throws the die several times and continue to add the number of the die to his total.


    • The turn of the player ends when he goes over 36 points or when he decides to stop.


    • The player who gets 36 points or closer to 36 than everyone else, wins the round. If two players have the highest score, they both get a point.


    • Play 10 rounds and the player with the most points from winning rounds is the overall winner of Thirty-Six dice game.


Going to Boston

Number of Players: 2 or more

Age Range: 5 years and older

Materials: 3 dice, pen and paper

How to Play:

    • The goal of the game is to get a higher score than any other player.


    • Each player throws the dice three times in a row. After each throw the highest die is counted toward the score and put apart.


    • On the second throw, the player throws only the two remaining dice. Again he put aside the die with the highest number.


    • On the third throw, the player throws the remaining last die and after that he adds the numbers of the dice to get his final score for that round.


    • When a player throws doubles on his second throw (and only then) he stops throwing and one die is counted as second throw and one is counted as third throw.


    • The one with the highest total is the winner of that round. Play ten rounds and the player with the highest points is the overall winner of Going to Boston dice game.



Number of Players: 2 or more

Age Range: 6 years and older

Materials: 3 dice, pen and paper

How to Play:

    • The goal of this game is to get a higher score than any other player after throwing the dice three times.


    • This dice game is exactly the same as Going to Boston, but here is the third die the one that multiply the score.


    • In short: the player throws all three dice. The highest die is put apart and the remaining two dice are thrown again. Again the highest die is taken apart and the last die is thrown.


    • Now you add the numbers of the first two dice and this total is multiplied by the number of the third die. That’s the total score for that round.


    • Play 10 rounds and add all the totals to find the overall winner of Multiplication dice game.


The above mentioned dice math games are a good practice to improve the child’s math skills while they are fun to play. Of course you can use your creativity to change the rules a little bit and work on different math skills. Dice are a perfect and easy way to count, add, subtract, multiply and more. Children will love to play dice math games and they will not even notice that they are learning, because these easy games are fun and exciting to play for children.

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