Best Family Games

Best Family Games

to spend quality time together

On this page we will show you our all-time favorite games. Games the whole family can enjoy and that’s why they are called: Best Family Games.
Playing games with the family is a really important and fun activity to do. There are so many great, fun indoor games and when you play together, the family has time to re-connect and share some good times together, make good memories and have a great time as a family.

Most families with teenagers are having difficulty to connect together. Everybody is glued to their own electronic gadget or computer. They start to live separated and don’t know what each of them is doing.

Playing fun family games is a great way to re-connect and have fun together.

That will be easy with our selection of best family games. Most games are classic games. They are proven to be an all time favorite by many, some games are rather new, but they will be around for a long time also. Our best family games will be enjoyed by young and old, are fun to play and are great for family reunion game nights.

Our selection of Best Family Games



best family games


Yeah, this game doesn’t need an explanation. A great and fun game. All time classic. You can make your own Monopoly with pictures of your family or city. That’s a fun activity and it makes a super original game. See more about that on our create your own game page.


carcassonne best family game


A very popular game from Europe. This game is strategic, yet easy to learn and play. Even young kids can understand and play this game. Build castles, go hunting and make as much points as possible. This game is different each time you play, because you make the board all together by laying tiles at your turn.


cranium best family game


Cranium is a great best family game. It is a combination of “Don’t say it”,  Pictionary, triviant and more. There is fun for everybody. Make teams and express yourself. A hilarious game for the whole family!

Spot it!

spot it game


Spot it! receives such good reviews, it has to be a great family game for the next decades and it will probably become a classic game over time. Small, easy to take everywhere and play everywhere. Easy and fun to play for young and old. Develop your visual perception and matching skills.

Game of Life


A fun and silly game. Get a career, 8 kids, become rich and even more rich. Life is fun in the game of Life. This game is really loved by the younger children and a perfect family game for families with kids under 10. It is a classic board game and I remember playing and enjoying this as a kid. Now my kids really enjoy this.

I really hope you enjoyed our selection of best family games. Our family loves all these games and I hope yours will do too. Spend quality family time together and have fun!

Families that play together stay together !

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