Arts and Crafts Gifts for Kids

Creative gifts for kids

Every child likes to receive gifts. Who doesn’t ? I DO !

This holiday gift guide shows you new, interesting, educational gifts where kids really can play with or grow with. Great products create great minds!
creative sock puppets
On this page you will find creative gifts for kids who love to color, glue, cut and work with their hands, creating things they imagine.


Our selection of best creative gifts

Rainbow loom

Fun to make and to give away to your friends. Lots of possibilities, colors and designs. There are even classes for this item in our local toy store.

Find Twistbanz Rainbow Loom on Amazon.
my looms

My looms…or a few of them… Yes it is fun and addictive



 Sock Puppets

This is a very cute package to create 3 wonderful sock puppets. Everything is in the box. Sew, glue and be creative.  Wonderful product and perfect little gift.creative gifts sock puppets

Find Creativity for kids  Sock Puppets on Amazon

our own creative sock puppets

Aren’t they cute?  Soo much fun to make!




Create fun images using colored magnets. Kids love to play with magnets and are surprised to see that you can hold their picture upside down without everything falling down…no glue?

No mess, create and create over and over again….

Find Mindware Imaginets on Amazon.



Pattern Play

This beautiful product in vibrant colors let your kids explore patterns, matching, symmetry in a fun and exciting way.

Copy the provided patterns or imagine something yourself. A product made with all ages in mind!

creative gift for kids

Find Mindware Pattern Play on Amazon.




We used to have a box from this stuff, imported from Europe. What a hit! Make the pieces a little wet and they just stick to each other or paper. You can make creative buildings, creatures, and whatever comes to mind with this.  You can press, cut and form the pieces to make them fit your art work.

creative product for kids

Find Playmais modelling material on Amazon.


I can go on and on in this category, since this one of my most favorite gift category. There are a lot of really great creative products on the market and they make nice gifts for any occasion.

We acknowledge the importance of quality family time. Time spend together is time well spend and it makes memories that last a lifetime!

Or continue to the next Gift Ideas : Fun Kids Games

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