Active Games for Kids

Active Games for Kids

I love my family to play active games for kids. It’s good for them to release their energy and it’s also FUN. We recently celebrated my son’s 6th birthday and he got some gifts that are just too much fun NOT to post it on my site. These active games are actually so much fun that the parents play them when the kids are in bed….

So here we go….

The best fun and active games for kids

Discovery Kids Spaceship Laser Tag

discovery kids laser tag

This game consists of two handheld laser guns. Run and try to hit the other with your invisible laser beam. The laser gun makes sounds when you are hit and starts to vibrate also. Reload and shoot again. You will have the kids running around like crazy, it’s so exciting to play. This is such a game that YOU have to try when all is quiet in the house, but be careful…it will make you sweat from excitement and running. Great active game for kids! We love it!

Twister Dance

twister dance, dance game

Another not to miss game! Lay down the colored spots and dance. Plug in your own MP3 player and show your moves. Three levels of play ensures that the whole family can show his or her moves. Rock it out!

Great for every kid and parent who loves music and to dance.

EZ-FORT: Fairy Tale Castle

EZ fort, building toy

Ah…the good old, creative building sets. Build your castle, fort or hiding place and let your imagination go wild with this one. Nice, creative, active activity for active kids.

Cranium: Hullabaloo

hullabaloo, hop and dance game

Cranium is known for it’s fun and educational games. Guaranteed! In this game you have to follow the instructions of the audio console and it will make you hop, spin, twist and dance, while you learn your colors and shapes. Entertaining, high-energy fun and exciting. A very fun game for active children and their parents! Top FUN.

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